primordial girl : insectoid poetry : chitin wound : metafictional artform : cyber outskirts

recent hymn


╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ 333 ✧.·:·.*═╗  hello, world. i've read a book recently. In "ESC&CTRL", Steve Hollyman e...



╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ 333 ✧.·:·.*═╗

hello, world. this is a poem i've been working on, i don't think it's done yet. it has some troubling topics; so if you aren't fond of religious trauma, CSA, or child predation then it may be wise to skip this one. thank you for reading my disclaimer, world.


This experience; 

dolling up for mass,  

she, snapped up with white plaits 

“Good grief and alas.” 

Yet, witness the Sunday best shitstain 

crippled having a cranial baptism 

dip into confession and relieve himself 

and make amends, Christ warrior,  

for new basking in the son. 

This is a hymn, an exclamation.


This experience; 

swatting at copies of identical Bibles 

The rapture sputtered and cried 

from the lips of a dripping child. 

Cracked open ‘young woman, her swift nails insufficient 

Squealing mercy, squirming mercy 

lies taut and chokes in weeping, 

The basher’s backstage Magdeline

One of many, tender-scarred karmic rebound

The figments spit in out-of-bounds locale. 

This is a message; it will repeat itself. 


This experience; 

She, classed-up christened skank 

fallen low with denim chains 

just desperate for deliverance. 

Deprivation of the lamb 

salt-foot prancing in circles

ringed cherubim rotation on a finite wavelength,

jaw clamped shut over the tail's apex.

inter-linked, your screen devotee. 

This is a prayer, my exclamation.


This experience; 

an ulterior earth, new timeline of love 

with discrete yet screamed redemption. 

The staying of the girl-child 

She, chastity forgone 

She, led on  

via farcical shepherd. 

Stained crook, indifferent flock.

This is a sign; this is a pattern.